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Team Союзмультфильм
Date of creation:  2 October 2007
Number of players in team:  30
Points:  2,760.15
Number of games:  57
Total wins:  17
Team web site:  No
External team forum:  No


Captain of team
id 42421 Lieutenant Male Goroshek (235.84 points)

Active team staff
id 1544700 Private soldier Male рыжий_фермер (3.14 points)

Passive team staff
id 32513 Sergeant Male SABOTAZH (42.69 points)
id 32516 Junior sergeant Male RatCatcheR (24.47 points)
id 39531 Lieutenant Male maxlz (230.05 points)
id 40055 Junior lieutenant Male valoon (119.57 points)
id 44093 Junior sergeant Male Матроскин~ (16.78 points)
id 44102 Junior lieutenant Male ВинниПух (119.42 points)
id 44104 Junior lieutenant Male Печкин (126.83 points)
id 44533 Private soldier Female Фрекен Бок~ (8.4 points)
id 44534 Junior lieutenant Female Пятачок (104.48 points)
id 44535 Lieutenant Male Дядя Степа (217.83 points)
id 45441 Lieutenant Female Беладонна (161.33 points)
id 45752 Lieutenant Male Дуремар (216.57 points)
id 45755 Senior sergeant Male Незнайка (92.92 points)
id 47124 Junior lieutenant Male Антожка (141.98 points)
id 48514 Sergeant Female Yмка~ (49.19 points)
id 48516 Senior sergeant Female Осьминога (88.27 points)
id 49097 Sergeant Female Забавушка (38.45 points)
id 49098 Senior sergeant Male Трубадур (71.85 points)
id 65569 Junior lieutenant Male Шерхан (135.9 points)
id 72692 Senior sergeant Male Крокодил Гена (76.94 points)
id 72978 Junior sergeant Female Гусеничка~ (13.41 points)
id 91110 Sergeant Female Сестрица Аленушка~ (33.77 points)
id 92866 Junior lieutenant Male Лейкин (107.4 points)
id 94637 Senior sergeant Female Синеглазка (98 points)
id 94739 Sergeant Male Ставр Годинович (35.51 points)
id 123939 Senior sergeant Male Many~ (66.44 points)
id 137155 Senior sergeant Male Комаров (69.4 points)
id 1544477 Junior sergeant Male sEN (13.32 points)
2/24/2025 2:01:48 AM
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