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Past games

Competition Competition (?): (#57) "Нашествие" Discussion
Game: Competition
Game format: Single
The game complexity factor: 1
Author's factor of game complexity: 2
Quality index: 6.05
Scenario authors: Барракуда™ , nordlicht , Андрей Левицкий
Referees: Барракуда™, nordlicht, Алексей Бобл, Андрей Левицкий, Сергей Грушко, Вячеслав Бакулин, Мария Сергеева
The date of realization: 18 August 2011
In the game participated: 76 players
Game status: Game is not available for playing
The winner of the game: CameraMan
Game details >>>

PhotoExtreme PhotoExtreme (?): (#56) "Захваченные страны" Discussion
Game: PhotoExtreme
Game format: Team
The game complexity factor: 1
Author's factor of game complexity: 3
Quality index: 9.56
Scenario author: air
The date of realization: 1 July 2011
In the game participated: 50 teams
Game status: Game is not available for playing
The winner of the game: AstanA
Game details >>>

PhotoHunt PhotoHunt (?): (#55) "Один день в жизни страны" Discussion
Game: PhotoHunt
Game format: Single
The game complexity factor: 0.6
Author's factor of game complexity: 1.5
Quality index: 9.82
Scenario author: Барракуда™
Referees: Jim, Барракуда™, Алексaндр, Axilees, nordlicht
The date of realization: 7 June 2011
In the game participated: 17 players
Game status: Game is not available for playing
The winner of the game: Coult
Game details >>>

Competition Competition (?): (#53) "ТЕХНОТЬМА" Discussion
Game: Competition
Game format: Single
The game complexity factor: 1
Author's factor of game complexity: 2
Quality index: 9.06
Scenario authors: Барракуда™ , Алексей Бобл , Андрей Левицкий
Referees: Барракуда™, nordlicht, Алексей Бобл, Андрей Левицкий, Иван Хивренко
The date of realization: 1 June 2011
In the game participated: 43 players
Game status: Game is not available for playing
The winner of the game: ROMCHEG
Game details >>>

Quest Quest (?): (#54) "Домен в кубе" Discussion
Game: Quest
Game format: Team
The game complexity factor: 1
Author's factor of game complexity: 1
Quality index: 8.38
Scenario authors: Winston Wolf , Justas , marvinF , *FORESTER* , Tokada , Тот чьё имя нельзя называть , Sancho-R , Vecner , deadokman
The date of realization: 21 May 2011
In the game participated: 7 teams
Game status: Game is not available for playing
The winner of the game: Тополь-М
Game details >>>

PhotoHunt PhotoHunt (?): (#52) "Смысловые Галлюцинации" Discussion
Game: PhotoHunt
Game format: Team
The game complexity factor: 1
Author's factor of game complexity: 2
Quality index: 9.38
Scenario author: Барракуда™
Referees: Барракуда™, Завулон, Алексaндр, Axilees, nordlicht
The date of realization: 20 May 2011
In the game participated: 60 teams
Game status: Game is not available for playing
The winner of the game: Малые Гамаки
Game details >>>

Brainstorm Brainstorm (?): (#51) "Финал " Discussion
Game: Brainstorm
Game format: Team
The game complexity factor: 0.77
Author's factor of game complexity: 3
Quality index: 8.56
Scenario authors: Imper , Vesseloff , PaoloS
The date of realization: 21 April 2011
In the game participated: 93 teams
Game status: Game is available for playing (enter the game)*
The winner of the game: Odessa
Game details >>>

PhotoHunt PhotoHunt (?): (#50) "ПРОЕКТ "ROTOFF"" Discussion
Game: PhotoHunt
Game format: Team
The game complexity factor: 0.68
Author's factor of game complexity: 1.5
Quality index: 9.17
Scenario author: Барракуда™
Referees: Барракуда™, Justas, Krayd, Алексaндр, Axilees, nordlicht
The date of realization: 26 March 2011
In the game participated: 29 teams
Game status: Game is not available for playing
The winner of the game: Генератор бреда
Game details >>>

PhotoHunt PhotoHunt (?): (#49) "S.T.A.L.K.E.R." Discussion
Game: PhotoHunt
Game format: Team
The game complexity factor: 1
Author's factor of game complexity: 2
Quality index: 9.08
Scenario author: Барракуда™
Referees: Барракуда™, de_Vald, Krayd, Алексaндр, nordlicht, Сергей Палий, Александр Шакилов, Дмитрий Силлов
The date of realization: 3 March 2011
In the game participated: 101 teams
Game status: Game is not available for playing
The winner of the game: COULT-TEAM
Game details >>>

Quest Quest (?): (#48) "Сеанс одновременной игры" Discussion
Game: Quest
Game format: Team
The game complexity factor: 0.23
Author's factor of game complexity: 2
Quality index: 9.2
Scenario authors: Зигмунд Фрeйд , Леонардо Да Винчи , Aлександр Пушкин , Альберт Эйнштейн , Архимед Сиракузский
The date of realization: 29 January 2011
In the game participated: 362 teams
Game status: Game is not available for playing
The winner of the game: РУССКИЕ
Game details >>>

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* — You can participate in the game that has already taken place but is still available for playing. The TOP-10 list of participants in such games is already complete, so you will not be able to obtain any points (only the first 10 participants (or teams) who completed the game obtain points). Usually all the tasks in such games can be complete online, so you won’t have to leave your place.

Solo games — are the games that imply fees (or confirmation, if the game is free) to be submitted by a single participant.

In team play fees (or confirmation, if the game is free) can only be submitted by captains of teams.

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