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Bonuses and penalties

Information about the game #61 // Bonuses and penalties
PhotoExtreme PhotoExtreme (?): (#61) "МЕТРО 2033: WEXLER" Discussion
Apply filter: Participant:
Date/Time Participant level # Action/Reason Bonus/Penalty Comments
11/12/2011 8:42:47 PM VSOP 1 добавлен администратором penalty 40 minutes Нет хвоста и внутри монстра 3 человека. Суммарный штраф: 60 минут
11/12/2011 8:43:38 PM Fire in the sky 1 добавлен администратором penalty 40 minutes Нет хвоста и внутри монстра 3 человека. Суммарный штраф: 60 минут
11/12/2011 8:45:39 PM "Ветер перемен" 1 добавлен администратором penalty 40 minutes Нет хвоста и внутри монстра 3 человека. Суммарный штраф: 60 минут
11/12/2011 8:46:22 PM Мы нечаянно 1 добавлен администратором penalty 40 minutes Нет хвоста, автомата и противогаза. Суммарный штраф: 60 минут
11/12/2011 8:52:30 PM наEмNики 2 Performance of criterion in photoextreme penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 8:52:30 PM Легендарная команда "Роман" 2 Performance of criterion in photoextreme penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 9:13:10 PM Легендарная команда "Роман" 3 Performance of criterion in photoextreme penalty 20 minutes
11/12/2011 9:13:10 PM КонкурENты 3 Performance of criterion in photoextreme bonus 30 minutes
11/12/2011 9:13:10 PM Ребусы Fair Play 3 Performance of criterion in photoextreme penalty 20 minutes
11/12/2011 9:13:10 PM ПЛАНЕТА КИРОВ 3 Performance of criterion in photoextreme bonus 30 minutes
11/12/2011 9:13:10 PM "Ветер перемен" 3 Performance of criterion in photoextreme penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 9:13:10 PM ESC 3 Performance of criterion in photoextreme penalty 20 minutes
11/12/2011 9:13:10 PM Виснага и точка. 3 Performance of criterion in photoextreme penalty 20 minutes
11/12/2011 9:13:10 PM VSOP 3 Performance of criterion in photoextreme penalty 20 minutes
11/12/2011 9:13:10 PM Fire in the sky 3 Performance of criterion in photoextreme penalty 20 minutes
11/12/2011 9:13:10 PM наEмNики 3 Performance of criterion in photoextreme penalty 20 minutes
11/12/2011 9:13:10 PM DeVais 3 Performance of criterion in photoextreme penalty 20 minutes
11/12/2011 9:13:10 PM Headhunters 3 Performance of criterion in photoextreme penalty 20 minutes
11/12/2011 9:13:10 PM пENдель 3 Performance of criterion in photoextreme penalty 20 minutes
11/12/2011 10:28:45 PM наEмNики 5 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours Задание не выполнено
11/12/2011 10:30:43 PM ESC 5 добавлен администратором penalty 40 minutes В кадре нет 3х собак. Суммарное время штрафа 60 минут
11/12/2011 10:32:27 PM Ребусы Fair Play 5 добавлен администратором penalty 1 hour В кадре нет собак. Суммарное время штрафа 80 минут
11/12/2011 10:33:11 PM ESC 5 Performance of criterion in photoextreme penalty 20 minutes
11/12/2011 10:33:11 PM Ребусы Fair Play 5 Performance of criterion in photoextreme penalty 20 minutes
11/12/2011 10:33:11 PM КонкурENты 5 Performance of criterion in photoextreme bonus 10 minutes
11/12/2011 10:33:11 PM ПЛАНЕТА КИРОВ 5 Performance of criterion in photoextreme penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:33:11 PM ASIMO 5 Performance of criterion in photoextreme bonus 10 minutes
11/12/2011 10:33:11 PM Интегральный транзистор 5 Performance of criterion in photoextreme penalty 20 minutes
11/12/2011 10:33:11 PM ЗаGooglENные Хомяки 5 Performance of criterion in photoextreme penalty 20 minutes
11/12/2011 10:33:11 PM Мы нечаянно 5 Performance of criterion in photoextreme penalty 20 minutes
11/12/2011 10:33:11 PM Fire in the sky 5 Performance of criterion in photoextreme penalty 20 minutes
11/12/2011 10:33:11 PM Headhunters 5 Performance of criterion in photoextreme penalty 20 minutes
11/12/2011 10:33:11 PM Кузьки! 5 Performance of criterion in photoextreme bonus 10 minutes
11/12/2011 10:33:11 PM понаехавшие провинциалы 5 Performance of criterion in photoextreme penalty 20 minutes
11/12/2011 10:33:11 PM DeVais 5 Performance of criterion in photoextreme penalty 20 minutes
11/12/2011 10:33:50 PM Headhunters 5 добавлен администратором penalty 20 minutes В кадре нет 2х собак. Суммарное время штрафа 40 минут
11/12/2011 10:35:13 PM Fire in the sky 5 добавлен администратором penalty 1 hour 40 minutes В кадре нет 4х собак. человек не в камуфляже и без автомата. Суммарное время штрафа 120 минут
11/12/2011 10:35:58 PM DeVais 5 добавлен администратором penalty 40 minutes В кадре нет 3х собак. Суммарное время штрафа 60 минут
11/12/2011 10:36:50 PM ЗаGooglENные Хомяки 5 добавлен администратором penalty 40 minutes В кадре нет 3х собак. Суммарное время штрафа 60 минут
11/12/2011 10:37:43 PM КонкурENты 5 добавлен администратором bonus 40 minutes Плюс 4 собаки
11/12/2011 10:38:42 PM понаехавшие провинциалы 5 добавлен администратором penalty 1 hour В кадре нет 4х собак. Суммарное время штрафа 80 минут
11/12/2011 10:39:29 PM Мы нечаянно 5 добавлен администратором penalty 1 hour В кадре нет собак. Суммарное время штрафа 80 минут
11/12/2011 10:40:23 PM Интегральный транзистор 5 добавлен администратором penalty 40 minutes В кадре нет 3х собак. Суммарное время штрафа 60 мину
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM БоЕвая моторизироваNная бригада ёжиков камикадзе имени Джа Будды 5 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM THE PARABELLUM 5 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM пENдель 5 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM АкцеNT 5 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM <<<Веселый роджер>>> 1 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM БоЕвая моторизироваNная бригада ёжиков камикадзе имени Джа Будды 1 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM THE PARABELLUM 1 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM M.O.N.O.L.I.T 1 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM АкцеNT 1 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM Пацаны ваще команда... 4 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM ниже нижнего 4 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM M.O.N.O.L.I.T 2 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM А мы пришли, чтобы вам показать небо 2 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM 888 РентгEN 2 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM W:EN:DOX 2 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM Мочи Манту-Побрей Звезду!! 2 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM ТагИИИИИл!!!!!!! 2 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM Малыши карандаши 2 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM Генетальная Декорация в поисках Майских пельменей 2 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM КтоЕслиНеМы 2 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM Minskie Brodyagi 2 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM wright white domin0e 2 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM Crazy Jovials 2 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM NAU 2 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM UniversumInitiative 2 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM ПОДАРОК ДЛЯ ДЕДМОРОЗА 2 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM трое в лодке! 2 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM <<<Веселый роджер>>> 2 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM M.O.N.O.L.I.T 3 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM А мы пришли, чтобы вам показать небо 3 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM W:EN:DOX 3 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM Мочи Манту-Побрей Звезду!! 3 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM ТагИИИИИл!!!!!!! 3 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM Малыши карандаши 3 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM Генетальная Декорация в поисках Майских пельменей 3 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM КтоЕслиНеМы 3 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM Minskie Brodyagi 3 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM wright white domin0e 3 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM .Fuck off. 3 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM Crazy Jovials 3 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM NAU 3 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM UniversumInitiative 3 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM ПОДАРОК ДЛЯ ДЕДМОРОЗА 3 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM трое в лодке! 3 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM <<<Веселый роджер>>> 3 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM M.O.N.O.L.I.T 4 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM А мы пришли, чтобы вам показать небо 4 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM 888 РентгEN 4 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM W:EN:DOX 4 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM Мочи Манту-Побрей Звезду!! 4 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM ТагИИИИИл!!!!!!! 4 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM Малыши карандаши 4 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM Генетальная Декорация в поисках Майских пельменей 4 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM КтоЕслиНеМы 4 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM Minskie Brodyagi 4 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM wright white domin0e 4 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM Crazy Jovials 4 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM NAU 4 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM UniversumInitiative 4 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM ПОДАРОК ДЛЯ ДЕДМОРОЗА 4 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM трое в лодке! 4 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM <<<Веселый роджер>>> 4 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM Пацаны ваще команда... 1 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM ниже нижнего 1 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM Пацаны ваще команда... 2 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM Пацаны ваще команда... 3 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM ниже нижнего 3 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM А мы пришли, чтобы вам показать небо 1 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM 888 РентгEN 1 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM W:EN:DOX 1 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM Мочи Манту-Побрей Звезду!! 1 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM ТагИИИИИл!!!!!!! 1 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM Малыши карандаши 1 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM Генетальная Декорация в поисках Майских пельменей 1 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM КтоЕслиНеМы 1 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM Minskie Brodyagi 1 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM wright white domin0e 1 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM Crazy Jovials 1 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM NAU 1 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM UniversumInitiative 1 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM ПОДАРОК ДЛЯ ДЕДМОРОЗА 1 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM трое в лодке! 1 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM БоЕвая моторизироваNная бригада ёжиков камикадзе имени Джа Будды 2 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM THE PARABELLUM 2 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM АкцеNT 2 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM БоЕвая моторизироваNная бригада ёжиков камикадзе имени Джа Будды 3 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM понаехавшие провинциалы 3 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM THE PARABELLUM 3 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM АкцеNT 3 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM БоЕвая моторизироваNная бригада ёжиков камикадзе имени Джа Будды 4 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM THE PARABELLUM 4 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM АкцеNT 4 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM M.O.N.O.L.I.T 5 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM А мы пришли, чтобы вам показать небо 5 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM 888 РентгEN 5 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM W:EN:DOX 5 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM Мочи Манту-Побрей Звезду!! 5 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM ТагИИИИИл!!!!!!! 5 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM Малыши карандаши 5 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM Генетальная Декорация в поисках Майских пельменей 5 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM КтоЕслиНеМы 5 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM Minskie Brodyagi 5 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM wright white domin0e 5 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM .Fuck off. 5 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM Crazy Jovials 5 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM NAU 5 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM UniversumInitiative 5 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM ПОДАРОК ДЛЯ ДЕДМОРОЗА 5 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM трое в лодке! 5 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM <<<Веселый роджер>>> 5 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM Пацаны ваще команда... 5 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM ниже нижнего 5 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 10:55:19 PM "Ветер перемен" 5 Incompleted task penalty 2 hours
11/12/2011 11:56:20 PM ПЛАНЕТА КИРОВ 1 Performance of criterion in photoextreme bonus 40 minutes
11/12/2011 11:56:20 PM КонкурENты 1 Performance of criterion in photoextreme bonus 40 minutes
11/12/2011 11:56:20 PM Легендарная команда "Роман" 1 Performance of criterion in photoextreme bonus 40 minutes
11/12/2011 11:56:20 PM VSOP 1 Performance of criterion in photoextreme penalty 20 minutes
11/12/2011 11:56:20 PM Виснага и точка. 1 Performance of criterion in photoextreme bonus 40 minutes
11/12/2011 11:56:20 PM Ребусы Fair Play 1 Performance of criterion in photoextreme bonus 40 minutes
11/12/2011 11:56:20 PM Stalker (Odessa) 1 Performance of criterion in photoextreme bonus 40 minutes
11/12/2011 11:56:20 PM пENдель 1 Performance of criterion in photoextreme penalty 20 minutes
11/12/2011 11:56:20 PM наEмNики 1 Performance of criterion in photoextreme bonus 40 minutes
11/12/2011 11:56:20 PM "Ветер перемен" 1 Performance of criterion in photoextreme penalty 20 minutes
11/12/2011 11:56:20 PM Headhunters 1 Performance of criterion in photoextreme bonus 40 minutes
11/12/2011 11:56:20 PM Fire in the sky 1 Performance of criterion in photoextreme penalty 20 minutes
11/12/2011 11:56:20 PM Интегральный транзистор 1 Performance of criterion in photoextreme penalty 20 minutes
11/12/2011 11:57:51 PM ESC 4 Performance of criterion in photoextreme penalty 20 minutes
11/12/2011 11:57:51 PM ESC 4 Performance of criterion in photoextreme bonus 20 minutes
11/12/2011 11:57:51 PM ESC 4 Performance of criterion in photoextreme bonus 10 minutes
11/12/2011 11:57:51 PM Ребусы Fair Play 4 Performance of criterion in photoextreme bonus 20 minutes
11/12/2011 11:57:51 PM Ребусы Fair Play 4 Performance of criterion in photoextreme bonus 10 minutes
11/12/2011 11:57:51 PM Виснага и точка. 4 Performance of criterion in photoextreme bonus 10 minutes
11/12/2011 11:57:51 PM VSOP 4 Performance of criterion in photoextreme bonus 20 minutes
11/12/2011 11:57:51 PM VSOP 4 Performance of criterion in photoextreme bonus 10 minutes
11/12/2011 11:57:51 PM .Fuck off. 4 Performance of criterion in photoextreme penalty 20 minutes
11/12/2011 11:57:51 PM ЗаGooglENные Хомяки 4 Performance of criterion in photoextreme bonus 20 minutes
11/12/2011 11:57:51 PM ЗаGooglENные Хомяки 4 Performance of criterion in photoextreme bonus 10 minutes
11/12/2011 11:57:51 PM Интегральный транзистор 4 Performance of criterion in photoextreme penalty 20 minutes
11/12/2011 11:57:51 PM Stalker (Odessa) 4 Performance of criterion in photoextreme bonus 10 minutes
11/12/2011 11:57:51 PM Stalker (Odessa) 4 Performance of criterion in photoextreme bonus 20 minutes
11/12/2011 11:57:51 PM ПЛАНЕТА КИРОВ 4 Performance of criterion in photoextreme bonus 10 minutes
11/12/2011 11:57:51 PM ПЛАНЕТА КИРОВ 4 Performance of criterion in photoextreme bonus 20 minutes
11/12/2011 11:57:51 PM КонкурENты 4 Performance of criterion in photoextreme bonus 20 minutes
11/12/2011 11:57:51 PM КонкурENты 4 Performance of criterion in photoextreme bonus 10 minutes
11/12/2011 11:57:51 PM Легендарная команда "Роман" 4 Performance of criterion in photoextreme penalty 20 minutes
11/12/2011 11:57:51 PM наEмNики 4 Performance of criterion in photoextreme bonus 10 minutes
11/12/2011 11:57:51 PM понаехавшие провинциалы 4 Performance of criterion in photoextreme bonus 20 minutes
11/12/2011 11:57:51 PM пENдель 4 Performance of criterion in photoextreme penalty 20 minutes
11/12/2011 11:57:51 PM "Ветер перемен" 4 Performance of criterion in photoextreme penalty 20 minutes
11/12/2011 11:57:51 PM Fire in the sky 4 Performance of criterion in photoextreme penalty 20 minutes
11/12/2011 11:57:51 PM Fire in the sky 4 Performance of criterion in photoextreme bonus 20 minutes
11/12/2011 11:57:51 PM DeVais 4 Performance of criterion in photoextreme bonus 20 minutes
11/12/2011 11:57:51 PM DeVais 4 Performance of criterion in photoextreme bonus 10 minutes
11/12/2011 11:57:51 PM Мы нечаянно 4 Performance of criterion in photoextreme bonus 20 minutes
11/12/2011 11:57:51 PM Кузьки! 4 Performance of criterion in photoextreme bonus 20 minutes
11/12/2011 11:57:51 PM Headhunters 4 Performance of criterion in photoextreme bonus 10 minutes

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